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Medical Acupuncture

ACUPUNCTURE is a whole body health approach that is thousands of years old. An acupuncture treatment is focused on addressing a patient's unique combination of symptoms. Needles are gently inserted to correct, strengthen, balance the energy flow in the body so that it can function the way it should and basically heal itself. It has a very calming, relaxing effect on the body and people often fall asleep once the needles are in! Because Acupuncture is a holistic therapy, addressing the energy flow in our bodies, it’s able to treat a huge variety of ailments


After the sterile thin stainless steal needles are placed, the patient relaxes with instrumental music playing for 20-40 minutes with a heat lamp over the areas being treated.  It is a healing and relaxing experience that breaks the patterns of symptoms caused by an upregulated autonomic nervous system.  Most acupuncture treatment protocols involve a series of treatments for effectiveness.

Dry Needling

DRY NEEDLING is an intramuscular stimulation technique used to treat dysfunction of muscle and connective tissue.  Needles are inserted into trigger points in the muscle and strongly stimulated to get a neural reaction. It can be very effective in getting the muscle to release its tension, improve range of motion, and decrease pain.

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Acupuncture and Dry Needling
successfully treat a variety of conditions

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